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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  April 29, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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. an alameda family said they were discriminated against and they will explain why they are suing ditching class to make a point, the reason students are walking out of class today, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> here is a look at warriors
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pride, the blue and gold game against the clippers and certainly has been over shadowed with the trouble is the owner sterling is facing and what they are expecting to do and see? >> april 29th, i am pam cook. >> steve, pam doesn't need a jacket today does she? >> pam, you are running cold there today? >> well, i do get chilly. >> well over by the coast, temperatures will be mooching out pretty fast and warming pretty quick, not really a strong offshore component and this is just good old-fashioned pressure and maybe -- 80s or
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88, again somebody may sneak in with an 89 and that's an out liar, and some are 55 and we have a little bit of a difference here and they were about 53 about. >> an hour ago. it looks good and i know some of you anything over 75 is too hot and if you like sunshine, the next few days are for you, here is sal. traffic is moving along well, if you are driving on some of the bay area roads, i think it's still in light drive if you head out to the made and we have a drive time getting
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across. if you are driving with the carquinez and we have 11 mains am 5:02 let's go back to the desk. and they are asking sufficient have a to -- silva to respond about the possible punishment of the owner donald sterling. the commissioner does have the power to immediately take the clippers away from sterling. they will hip the clipper's owner with a heavy fine and long suspension and that may pressure him after the next 30 years. wes coast time and the warriors
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coach is calling for a fanned boycott joining us live with the rest of the story. >> they are threatening to over shadow tonight's game with the game against the clippers, mark jackson seemingly now is calling for a fan boycott of game 5, tonight in l.a., he is specifically calling on warriors fans... >> anybody in their right mind knows this is wrong and can not be tolerated. >> reporter: now on the flip side of things, flippers' coach doc rivers is calling for a much different response, he is hoping to show show support.
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doc rivers turned down a chance to talk with donald sterling about everything. sterling is believed to have made racist comments and we would like to know how you should be rein -- responding, alex savage ktvu channel 2 morning news. several sponsors for the l.a. clippers are distancing themselves from the team. >> there is a crime underway. now this television commercial features blake give 15 they have suspended their
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sponsorship others include berger king samsung, however the same companies will keep supporting the players, coaches and fans. donald sterlings girlfriend released the tape that ignited the scandal but she clearly does not want to talk to the media and this is a mask she was wearing as she left and looked like something like a science fiction movie. they are filing a complaint against boomers after a family in alameda said boomers discriminated against them and yeah, well, the go-kart racing said it was anything but fun when they were prevented from going on theco guard because of what they were wearing on their
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heads. they were denied unless they removed their sikh turbines. they say no turbines can wear any head carry and that it is a choking -- it is something they feel is important. they were turned away and want to keep their hair covered but the company released a statement saying, this is their number one priority, this is not a matter of race or religion, this is a matter of safety. comingcoming up, why they are so completely face less. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 morning news. they planned a walkout of class to protest the rising
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costs of column. they are upset about a fee nope as the student, they are paying in addition to that tuition and it is scheduled to rise $790 this fall. most of the money is going to the athletic's dent instead of resources which benefit all student. the walkout will come back and coach kerry, was inn doored by governor pete wilson and former massachusetts governor and mitt romney. cash kerry trails well behind tim donely who is a popular governor of tea party and is widely expected to win
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reelection. and affordable housing for reelection. they will beware the old locker used to be. and the project will include more than 1600 condos an apartments and finance% -- 1 5% will be set aside for low income residents. they will be on 20 acres and bay shore boulevard is expected to win over the next ten years. los angeles kings take on game 7 in the first round of the stanley cup playoffs. after the first round of the series the kings have come back. his team was cheated on the tie breaking goal in game six last night and he said the pucks should have been dead.
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the kings went on to win -1. all right, pam, tim is 5-1. they found the wreckage ever that downed small plane and why they are waiting to pull it out of the water. and a the latest debt tolls and a look at one of the hardest hit areas. it is looking great in northbound 208 and we will -- 280 and we will keep looking to make sure none of this escape us.
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. they say the boys damaged the cars and killed a number animals that were part of a class project. at least 5 roars -- roosters, and a duck, they were all hit and thrown against walls. >> this is unacceptable and whoever is responsible, i hope they get what they deserve. >> the boys do not go to the school and they were taken into
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custody. millions are on alert and a deadly storm keeps moving through the south. at least 11 people were killed by tornadoes in mississippi and alabama, one of the hardest hit areas was the northeast part of mississippi. entire buildings were flattened and blown away. all of this follows deadly tornadoes which killed 18 people in arkansas, oklahoma kansas and iowa. at least 16 people were killed just in arkansas alone on sunday and that storm roared through that state. pablo sandoval showed the devastation left behind keeps threatening the deep south, pablo? >> guys, good morning, from mayflower arkansas, this place was home to 10 people and confirmed as a result of this wicked weather and you can see
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behind me, you might imagine it takes a lot for a 2-ton truck and some owners on the managers, this was once back out here ready to clean up and they know there is a lot of work ahead and comes to terms with a lot of the reality and they know there could be more around the corner. >> this time they are barreling through the south in tupelo mississippi, homes were leveled. people were now left to pick up whatever they can salvage, and in alabama, they declared a state of emergency and heavy rains reuse reduced this tobacco store as people packed into a tornado shelter and just west of the area, and in tennessee storms snapped over them, these are all too
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familiar west, all too familiar, parts of oklahoma iowa sunday night, familiar risk are cope -- families are coping with the aftermath inville loan why and support. >> this is all family have left and there are about a million people who could potentially feel the impact of the wicked weather and that's about one- third of the country, dave. reporting pablo sandoval, thank you. and back in the east what i, cleanup is apparently underway for a homeless camp. they were flying over where it
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now appears everybody has worked out. we first showed you providing every person living at the bulb provided $3,000 to move out. and he is the favored to win the kentucky derby and he arrived at churchill downs yesterday and he was 4th with consecutive victories, california chrome could be the first california bread horse to win the kentucky derby since 1962. >> sal, could you run arrays horse down our freeways for the commute. >> well, i know what you are asking, because you and i are friends. you couldn't virtually run arrays down some of our
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freeways. exactly not literally. let's take a look at the commute, it is good so far and all right, we have exhausted that. let's go from 80 westbound between the toll plaza and san francisco side. it is not really bad at all and it does look good. showing you the santa clara valley you can see the road is looking good and and i will show you from 238 to fremont, about a ten minutes drive, not bad, pretty good start, 5:18 let's go to steve. >> sal? >> yes, sir. >> that california chrome is an outstanding horse, it depends on the post position. >> my dark horse is samaria.
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>> never mind, it's a good horse. we do have mostly clear skies. we do have, it is clear. 70s to 80s near 90. high pressure is building over it and by this time next week i am talking written and that's the kind of pattern we are looking at here. it is all sunshine and the same for tomorrow, if you don't like the heat, we'll see a huge drop and they are 25 degrees above average and it is going to be a little cool, just an unbelievably huge system which
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stretches more and this is the main line, and that's amazingly strong and that land cause all sorts of problem today. high pressure is large and in charge. 34 up in ukiah, sacramento 55 and that's a good 10 degrees warmer hand it yesterday. you can see the building system 6 or for all and i think they will get in on a decent am wave, am p.m. and in the city if they will be in the 80s and a little cool
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down on friday, a we may only be in the 60 ross. fast food restaurants ploy 85 million more people now than they did at the start of the recession and just as many in mid-wage jobs were lost. that american household was 8% lower than 2007. they plan to carry out a stock any pack program and most is held overseas and they would have to cold a corporate from tax rate and they have decided to bring it back at current low interest rates instead. a rare site, one bay area city, done be surprised if you turn your head and see nobody
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is driving that car next to you. plus, we are hearing from a team, the emotional thing she is saying about her son.
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staand the speed readingsng incrare off the chart!appiness.
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paradise found! luscious locks! great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! save up to 20% on rooms at a disneyland resort hotel on select nights. there's no end in sight! i'm going to need more time. . family members are now looking, they heard the final
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audio recordings. officials showed the maps of the flights route including the turn that sent them of course. this was very emotional for families members and they have been asking for answers and the plane likely ran out of fuel 7.5 hours into that flight. meantime, a after very intention searches, the searches have been called off and they will however stay on the indian ocean which might come to the searches and underwater searches will continue for the next eight months. there is a new development in the incredible stow away story. we are now hearing from the mother of the teen who flew away and stowed away in the wheel well of the jet. this is a picture of the mother
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where she talked with a reporter about her 15-year-old son. she believes her son's amazing journey was a desperate attempt to visit me. i knew he had strong affections for me and i always knew he wanted to see me but i know his father will not let them contact me at all. according to a new report, muni service has improved and there are questions about the muni system. it shows on time performance showed 60% and that's up from 4% but it is not close to a voter mandated goal which was imposed back in 1999. service gaps have been reduced and muni is still facing challenging including
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mechanical failures and a shortage. and a workplace shooting it happened in georgia and there are several injuries and the massive search is underway right now. one in 5 women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus and that statistic has prompted the white house to take action. we will talk about the plan and how it applies to schools here. good morning, on the sunole grade we see traffic that looks good and we will show you some slow downs but quiet right now, we will show you some locations are near 90s today. is split in two.
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you can either have high-end or low-price. quality or quantity. designer or disposable. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all. get up to 50% off department store prices. t.j.maxx.
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. live pictures from san jose state, later today the white house will talk about sexual assaults on college campuses. janine de la vega will have much more on the action federal officials are taking and how they will protect bay area students. good morning, tuesday april 29 april 29th, i am dave clark. >> good morning, let's check in with steve paulson, the weather will be changing quite a bit over the next few days. >> no big deal, clear skies,
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cooler 40s and 50s and and it will not take long to start warming up but noontime we'll see a big warmup 72 to 90 and going to 90 in clear like. 50s san jose, 46 half-moon bay tells you the coast is clear so they say, we have a little puff of a north breeze and everything says high pressure is large and in charge and taking over and when it does it will be here for three days and will be obliterated. warmer today sunshine warmer for all, a good 10 deglee temperature and i do it for you. we are up to near 90s for some. here is sal. we are looking at a commute which is not bad for a start and sometimes we can ease into it very nicely and today i
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think that is what is happening and today the bay bridge looks good still about an 8 minute drive time to the toll plaza to the san francisco side and most of that time is on the bridge but one metering lights go and we will let you know when that happens. moving along, taking a look at interstate 880 and traffic in both directions is looking good. 580 westbound from grand line road, there is a little bit of a drive time issue getting busy on the the mott pass until livermore to formally respond to the racially charged comments. he will discuss the possible punishment of the owner donald sterling. the news conference will be held several hours before the clippers host the warriors game
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for game 5 of their best of 7 playoff series now it as critical game tied with two a piece and mark johnson said it would sent a they hope they see the stands packed in response to this tonight. now they said quote, we need unbelievable support from other people and i am hoping we get that. and for tonight's warriors clippers game they will have live reports later today on the 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00 news. it is a startling statistic, one in five women while in college. and this is an epidemic.
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live from san jose state there have been reports of assaults, good morning, janine,. >> reporter: yes, there were several reports of women being globed while walking on campus and at uc berkeley there were a lot report -- there was a lot reported but a lot goes under reported and they -- unreported and they are trying to combat problems. they want them to participate to help determine it will provide schools and offering confidentiality and they are worried their past history will be questioned. the website is also being unveiled and student will be able to use it to know their rights under the law and how
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schools will respond and they will know how to complaint of of a there were several globed, they are calling to be escorted around campus so that they could feel safe. and they are looking into how they are imagine something wall's vince and they say there was little to no whoops when they held it and there has already been changes since the complaint was filed including a new sexual misconduct policy. right now police are
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investigating a shooting just north of atlanta. it happened in kennesaw georgia, the facility is closed down and at least six people have been rushed to the hospital we understand with minor to serious injuries and no word on what led up to the shooting or why the gunman opened fire but the company fedex has released a statement saying at this time, while they were first responders and her 17-year-old will go before a judge for the in first time and we are learning more about her battle with depression. she was arrested after she admitted to east bay regional police she stabbed her baby with a pocket knife. it happened in livermore. now we spoke to newton's
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grandmother who said, her she tried to get some help but was turned away. >> she loved that baby like any mother would love a first born. >> she had a history of depressions and she wore it. and am she is on suspicious of murder. and they are term looking into a woman who is accused of murdering her three-year-old daughter. the attorney said her client poses no threat to the public. she wants her released and they have been charged in the january beating death of little caylee slusher and no word on when the judge may we lease
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them. happening today two civil rights groups are looking at it because of what they were wearing. here is more on the family who said it was what they were wearing on their head is behind today's actions. >> reporter: they were not allowed on the go carts because their were wearing turbines. he along with his his three younger cuss cousins were told they were not allowed to get on the ride unless they removed their turbines. the park website said head gear is a choking hazards. and they said call it and every
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others can permit them to ride some of the fastest rollercoasters in the world. some from the pal listen terrible attainment, they released a statement saying safety is our number one priority, this is not a matter of race or religion, this is a matter of safety. they are looking into file that. they are looking being for daylight to recover the small plane to recover. it is restored as it went on it land safely in amador county and that's where both planes are based and the pilot of the cessna is presumed dead and this is considered a recovery
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mission. >> they will tie on as much as they can and get on as much as they can with a crane barge. >> the ntsb will supervise the recovery of the wreckage and it is also investigating reports that the pilots were flying too close to each other while attempting a to the tow shoot and the reason behind everybody and why they are saying that. social, am media, one student was black maled into a sex act. and we are looking at 92 and coming up we will take a look at some of the other bridges and let you know some drive teams across the bay. temperatures are cool and it will not take long to warming up and we will be near
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$90 today -- 90s today i will show you those temperatures coming up. ♪
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♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans.
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start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! . yesterday tornadoes killed 11 people in mississippi and alabama. the governor of alabama declared a state of emergency after killing 18 people in arkansas, oklahoma and iowa. that deadly storm continues through tomorrow. and they are a pool guying -- apologizing to the deadly ferry sinking. they will a attending a memorial and so far more than 93 bodies have been recovered and more than 100 are missing
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and most are high school students. they capsized and only 174 people is your survived including 22 of the crew members. they are trying to make a bill which makes it secure. add doctor i pots -- audrey pots killed herself after photos were circumstance how lasted. -- circulated. they are looking to bring adult charges against minors who sexually assaults somebody who is too intoxicated or mentally impaired to fight back. they are hoping to keep its students safe on social media
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and it comes where another student black mailed using compromising photos -- compromising photos. it was led by police and the d.a.'s office, suggest and it is called quote, instagram. >> you should be following your kids. >> we watch who they follow and who follows them and we will go through and help them to recognize who is not good for them and who is. >> parents also learned about an east bay group that is called i can help. it helps with photos posted online. we have pointed a link to i can help. and also a copy of that family
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media agreement, check it out and look for hot topics. and now in the case of the high court, police looked through the cell phones of a well-known drug dealer after taking him into custody. they found evidence and say this is essentially small up come pewters. starting today, people in livermore who do the no cut back on water usage will see water bills go up. they moved into a pie a mandatory higher rate for the stuff they use and they will cut it by 5% in order to meet
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those targets. google is testing out its clearless -- driverless car. its vehicles can now navigate through curbs and other tablets. it will still being a while and there are some unresolved regulatory issues and the need for more rigorous testing. >> everybody is keeping their hands on the wheels. >> we can knap on the way to work, just have the car take us and let us give extra sleep. >> i am surprised it can do that. what do i know though. let's look at the regular drivers, i presume. westbound bay bridge, nothing major, about a ten minutes
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drive and your drive time and you can clearly tell and things are legally light at 5:30 no 535, and then driveway still looks pretty good. >> he said what is the weather like in boston and he said how come you are not showing that? and i said hang on, i will. that's all they like me for, what is the weather like we are going to the games. summer warm to hot, okay, i did go 90 in clear lake so oak oh
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and i cust done buy that and you will be 66 by 10:00 a.m. in the morning. nationally, here we go, for those of you sitting on a plane, saying i wonder what the travel weather will be, it will be very bumpy over the great lakes. 37 in minneapolis and 47 in chicago. snow was on the backside of this, look at this coming i don't in minneapolis and it is blowing up and 08 tornadoses yesterday -- 80 tornadoes yesterday, 64 reports of hail and this is going from atlanta down past montgomery and just
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leaving new new orleans and we do have clear skies everybody am am am, it looks like will be talking being about rain, a am and we will bump everything up and today we will drop everything off. 80s to near 90s if you are and 90 in clear like 8 and 88
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livermore, oakland 28, 79 in alameda, 89 gilroy, san jose 89 degrees palo alto san bruno 79 and enodal lay -- daily city 74. it looks cool starts coast and bay and a huge drop pie sunday. and the loss annette works reached a similar deal with come of the it testified and lawmakers hope they are using the equipment for energy efficient light bulbs and another credit will appear on our october bill. school vandalism and animal cruelty, we will show you the
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damage done in a very disturbing case being investigated in the south bay. he has been cleared of a crime but the sonoma super riser is being called map map.
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. welcome back, it is 5:54
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crews have shifted from search effort to rebuilding operations. it was officially called off yesterday even though two people are still missing and it was a difficult decision since they are still looking foreclosure. time now 5:55 this morning. they are demanding he resign on charges of peeking into the home of a female neighbor while wearing only his underwear and socks. they are condemning his behavior and promised to to be dismissed. yesterday they deadlocked on the charge of peeking and cleared him of a lesser charge. the 33-year-old supervisor acknowledged his behavior was
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unacceptable. >> nothing less send is the sorrow i feel or the pain i caused one was my neighbor, the pain i have caused my family. >> now he is still on the ford. and he will be getting out much prison early. yesterday a federal judge knocked off a year of chris butler at the request of prosecutors. the judge did not explain why he agreed to that officer elizabeth butler letter was the mastermind of a wide ranging corruption scandal inn off being dirty duil1sl0. and the stomach are filling with disappointment after a hoax in an in and out
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hamburger. it read coming summer 14 and people tweeted how excited they were to have the hamburger chain so close to campus but unfortunately, they had no plans for a banner. and more on the clippers controversy, it is now just hours away and the call for a fan boycott tonight. cracking down on what federal officials call an incident. right now we still have a decent commute. p and they will not take long to start warming up and i will show you how much warmer
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. one of the coaches involved is calling for a fan boycott.
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sexual assault on college campuses continues to grow but today the white house is unveiling a plan to combat that and we will tell you what that plan is and how it affects campuses here in the bay area. plus more tornadoes are cut ago path -- cutting a mass, complete coverage starts right now. it is tuesday, i am pam cook. >> let's talk about weather and traffic, steve is over there. >> we have clear skies and if there is any patch of fog, it's not going to last long and sunshine and warm temperatures will be warming up and it was nice and the 70s today will be a lot


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